2 mag 2007

From the editor

We are a little bit late. This issue was supposed to be published on June 2004 (as in fact is dated), but you will only receive it in the spring of 2005.
We needed some time to create the structure of the regular issue, which was decided by the editorial board.
As you can see, after a long discussion we choose to publish non monographic issues, containing different sections. Some of them will always show up on the issue, some others only if there are articles regarding their specific topic.
The sections, and the persons responsible of them are listed above:

Family Mediation
Pasquale Busso
Francesco Canevelli

Intercultural Mediation
Fabiana Filippi
Giancarlo Francini

School Mediation
Lilia Andreoli
Donatella Bottiglieri

Business and Institutional Mediation
Paola Stradoni

Social and Community Mediation
Fabio Bassoli and Vittorio Neri

Giudical Mediation
Roberta Frison,
Aldo Mattucci

New types of Mediation: conciliation, consumer, sport
Isabella Buzzi , Gennaro Galdo , Rosita Marinoni

Training in Mediation
Stefania Castellani,
Giuseppe Ruggiero

The persons responsible of the sections will suggest and evaluate articles regarding their section and will invite other important authors to write articles on “hot” topics or wide-range articles regarding a specific section of the Mediation.
Then we have the Departments, that will be published regularly, even if we are still preparing them:

Profession: Mediator
Rolando Ciofi

Q&A Questions and Answers
Lilia Andreoli

Book reviews
Stefania Castellani

Article reviews
Marcello Vetere

Rodolfo de Bernart

Patrizia Majrani

Conny Leporatti

Non technical books
Rosita Marinoni

Giuseppe Ruggiero

Notes from the readers
Andrea Mugnaini

Press Survey
Rosita Marinoni

Events, news, comments
P. Busso , C. Marzotto,
T. Lastrucci

Other Departments could be obviously brought to the list in the future.

This issue is very rich, and features three significant foreign articles from Lisa Parkinson, Chantal Van Cutsem and Ana Maria Sanchez Duran, respectively in English, French and Spanish, published in the original language and in Italian, because of the “International” orientation of the journal. We also translated in four languages (Enaglish, French, Spanish and German) the abstracts of all of the articles, and this editorial review as well.

Lisa Parkinson’s and Chantal Van Cutsem’s works are both about the step-family, while the article from Ana Maria Sanchez Duran let us discover the legal world and the difference between the Italian and Spanish ones.

The original italian articles are also very interesting, and we received so many papers to evaluate for this issue, that we had to move some of them to the next issue because of the lack of space.
Besides the articles from Busso and Mattucci, authors certeanly well known by our readers, which introduce us to the Mediation profession, we have the luck to present an extraordinary and full-range story about the history of the mediation, narrated by one of the most informed italian author: Costanza Marzotto.

Lia Mastropaolo introduces us to the Training in mediation in a very creative an outstanding way, and his work is integrated by the one from Giuseppe Ruggiero. Ruggiero’s work underlines some specific features of the training model of the AIMS.
Some reflections about the ethics and deonthology were assigned to Francesco Mazzei and Bruno Schettini, while Aldinucci and Francini make more specific and deepen the topic of listening to the child in mediation and court proceedings. They introduce the evaluation model based on the “Lausanne Triadic Play” by Fivaz , which will present her work in May 2005 in Italy.

Giovanna Lonardi and Tiziana Mantovani discuss an important issue about the “Neutral space”, a technical instrument not so well known in Italy, that is becoming more and more popular thank to the “Verona” experience. This model was adopted by other countries too. This article represents the synthesis of one of the most acclaimed final thesis of the training course of AIMS.

All of the Departments are very interesting. I personally believe that our readers will find the “Profession : Mediation” very usefull (yes we used a nice headline from one of our past congresses). Rolando Ciofi that has a very extended experience in this field will provide specific guidelines on how to maintain an adeguate and correct role of the Professional Mediator.
Both Ciofi and Andreoli in her Featured Article “Questions and Answers”, invite the reader to participate with comments or requests.
All the News are brought to you by Busso, Marzotto e Lastrucci.
And since also the Mediators need to expand their experiences, we hope that you will have some new inputs from the new departments: Cinema, Television, Art, Non technical books and Image. These sections were planned to remind to our students and to the mediators that one should learn from the “school of life” too, not only from the techniques .
In the third issue, that is hopefully supposed to be published for the end of the summer, we are already planning important contributions about the Court Mediation and we have yet articles from Florence Kaslow and Robert Emery.
The fourth issue will be dedicated to the Collected papers from the Congress which took place in Treviso in november 2003.
I invite all of the speakers to send to me their contributions, if they did not do that yet. I remind to all that the deadline for the 4th issue is: September 15th 2005.

Enjoy your reading!

Rodolfo de Bernart
Socio Fondatore AIMS
Presidente AIMS
Istituto di Terapia Familiare
di Firenze, debernart@itff.org

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